Condensed Matter Physics







Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and Educational Institution "Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno" organize the XXXIII International scientific and practical conference of undergraduate and
postgraduate students 
"Condensed Matter Physics", which will be held on April 3-4, 2025, Grodno, Belarus
at the Faculty of Physics and Technology of the Yanka Kupala State University.



The format of the conference is mixed, with the ability to connect online.


The following sections are planned:

  1. Study of molecular structure and properties of condensed matter.
  2. Mathematical methods and simulations in condensed matter physics.
  3. Experimental methods and instruments.
  4. Learning of the condensed matter physics.


Conference working languages: Belarusian, Russian, English.


To participate in the conference, you must register before March 16, 2025.


The platform and connection link will be listed on the conference page.



Information messagge-2025





Dear students, undergraduates and graduate students!


The conference is held without paying an organizational fee.

 During the conference in each section there will be a competition for the best report. The winners will be awarded with diplomas.


Submissions submitted after  March 16, 2025 will not be considered!

Materials that do not meet the requirements will not be published!





Registration is open 




Organizing Committee

Gennady Gachko
Chairman, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Natalia Valko Co-Chairman, Vice Dean for Science of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor
Yauheniysh Matuk
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, Ph.D., Associate Professor 
Svetlana Gogoleva Vice Dean for Ideological and Educational Work of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Larisa Gurova Scientific Secretary, Specialist of the dean office of the Faculty of Physics and Technology




Program Committee


Victor Anishchik (Belarus)
Slavamir Anufrik, Chairman (Belarus)
Yury Beytyuk (Belarus)
Alexander Belko (Belarus)
Sergey Gaponenko (Belarus)
Andrew German (Belarus)
Davron Juraev (Uzbekistan)
Eduard Zenkevich (Belarus)
Andrew Kasperovich (Belarus)
Alexander Ligachev (Russia)
Aleksandr Maskevich (Belarus)
Alijon Razzaqov (Uzbekistan)
Natalia Strekal (Belarus)
Kuanyshbek Shunkeev (Kazakhstan)




Guidelines for a research paper


Volume of materials - up to 3 full pages of format A4.

Margins: left - 2.0 cm, right - 2.0 cm, top - 1.8 cm, bottom - 3.0 cm

Page numbering is not required.

File type: Microsoft Word 97-2003 or Microsoft Word 2007-2018.




Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): size 10 pt, left alignment.

Authors: size 10 pt, capital letters, center alignment.

■ Title: size 10 pt, capital letters, bold type, center alignment.

Text: size 10 pt, spacing 1.0, paragraph indent 0.8 cm, justified alignment.

 Abstract, summary, list of references, information about the authors and scientific guideline: size 9pt, spacing 1.0, paragraph indent 0.8 cm, justified alignment.

■ Drawings are accepted both in black and white, and color.

 Captions for figures: size 9 pt, bold type, center alignment.

■ List of literature, tables, figures: according to the instructions for the dissertation, abstract and publications on the topic dissertations.

  1. Ivanova, K. Structure and Properties of Tantalum Coatings / Ivanova, G. Shapochkin //  Applied Sciences. – 2020. – Vol. 10, iss. 11. – P. 1-12.
  2. Ivanova, N. Influence of x-ray irradiation on special purpose elastomers / N. Ivanova, G. Shpochkin // Abstract of 7th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects, Grodno, September 14-26, 2015. 479.

■ Information about the author(s): last name, first name, patronymic in full; place of study, city, country, e-mail address for correspondence (size 9 pt, regular style).

■ Information about the supervisor: last name, first name, patronymic in full; title, academic degree; place of work, city, country, e-mail address for correspondence (size 9 pt, regular style).

■ All formulas, as well as in the text, all characters of the Latin, Greek and other alphabets must be typed using the built-in MS Word editor for MathType formulas (character size 10 pt). The length of formulas and the width of tables and figures must not exceed 110 mm.


 Example of article design


Dear authors please submit papers prepared according to the following sample. 




Dear conference participants!







The conference will be held in a mixed format with an online connection (connection platform will be specified later). Please kindly indicate the name, surname in Cyrillic or Latin.


For technical connection issues, please call: +375 (152) 39 86 57; +375 (152) 39 86 53



Conference program and list of speakers for conference sections, as well as the schedule of sections and links to connect
will be published after participants have completed registration.
Follow the information!




address, Grodno






Topic 1

Study of the molecular structure and properties of the condensed state

Topic 2

Mathematical methods and computer simulation in condensed matter physics

Topic 3

Devices and technique of the experiment

Topic 4

Actual questions of the methodology for studying the physics of condensed states

Subtopic 1
Subtopic 2
April 3, 2025
00:00 Opening Room  ►CONNECT
00:00 BREAK  
00:00 BREAK  
April 4, 2025
00:00         ►CONNECT
00:00 Closing Room  ►CONNECT





Faculty of Physics and Technology

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

50 Popovicha Street, Grodno

230024, Belarus


☎ +375 (152) 39 86 53  Larisa Gurova

☎ +375 (152) 39 86 57  Natalia Valko

e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.


Materials archive


FKS-XXXII (2024)

Materials of XXXII International Scientific and Practical Conference of undergraduate and postgraduate students PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER can be downloaded here:

Title page
Topic 1. Study of the molecular structure and properties of the condensed state
Topic 2. Mathematical methods and computer simulation in condensed matter physics
Topic 3. Devices and technique of the experiment
Topic 4. Actual questions of the methodology for studying the physics of condensed states
Information message
Conference programm
List of speakers
FKS-XXIX (2021)

Materials of XXIX International Scientific and Practical Conference of undergraduate and postgraduate students PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER can be downloaded here:

Title page
Topic 1. Molecular structure and properties of condensed matter
Topic 2. Mathematical methods and simulations in condensed matter physics
Topic 3. Experimental methods and instruments
Topic 4. Learning the condensed matter physics
First Inform letter
Second Inform letter
Conference program
FKS-XXVI (2018)

Materials of XXVI International Scientific and Practical Conference of undergraduate and postgraduate students PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER can be downloaded here:

Topic 1. Molecular structure and properties of condensed matter
Topic 2. Mathematical methods and simulations in condensed matter physics
Topic 3. Experimental methods and instruments
Topic 4. Learning the condensed matter physics
FKS-XXV (2017)

Materials of XXV International Scientific and Practical Conference of undergraduate and postgraduate students PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER can be downloaded here:

Topic 1. Molecular structure and properties of condensed matter
Topic 2. Mathematical methods and simulations in condensed matter physics
Topic 3. Experimental methods and instruments
Topic 4. Learning the condensed matter physics
FKS-XXIV (2016)

Materials of XXIV International Scientific and Practical Conference of undergraduate and postgraduate students PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER can be downloaded here:

Cover 1
Cover 2
Cover 3
Cover 4
Topic 1. Molecular structure and properties of condensed matter
Topic 2. Mathematical methods and simulations in condensed matter physics
Topic 3. Experimental methods and instruments
Topic 4. Learning the condensed matter physics
FKS-XXIII (2015)

Materials of XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of undergraduate and postgraduate students PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER can be downloaded here:

Table of contents
Topic 1. Molecular structure and properties of condensed matter
Topic 2. Mathematical methods and simulations in condensed matter physics
Topic 3. Experimental methods and instruments
Topic 4. Learning the condensed matter physics





Information updated: February 2025


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